71 spacious, contemporary apartment homes will frame a unique rooftop restaurant, outdoor entertainment and gathering space in our newest addition to our walkable community. Offered outside of our current waitlist, reservations will be available through Charter Membership beginning in January 2022 with a projected construction completion in Spring 2025.
Retirement Redefined – Here, there are more than 400 opportunities each month to keep doing, contributing, and achieving. Want to take a hike by the Eno River? Learn a new skill? Join a chorus, try a new restaurant, or discuss the latest bestseller? At The Forest, you can do all of that and more.
Support and Security – Receive confidence in knowing that our award-winning continuum of care supports daily living, including our 24-hour emergency response system, on-site physical therapy, and more.
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phone 1-800-278-9729 // Sales and Marketing
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